// Copyright 2015 meisterluk. No rights reserved. Public Domain.
// This package illustrates the Go Regexp API.
// Related:
// - http://golang.org/pkg/regexp/
// - If you are not familiar with regex but go, use
//     https://github.com/StefanSchroeder/Golang-Regex-Tutorial
// - If you are familiar with regex but not go, use
//     https://gobyexample.com/regular-expressions
// - If you are familiar with both, continue šŸ˜€

package main

import (

// the regular expression to discuss
var regex = ".*(ham|and ham and spam)"

// the input to use with
var input = "eggs and ham and spam"

// parameter for infinite many matches
const INFINITY = -1

// All modes that will be performed
var modes = []string{
	"Leftmost first entire one",
	"Leftmost first anyone",
	"Leftmost longest entire one",
	"Leftmost longest anyone",
	"Leftmost first entire all successive non-overlapping",
	"Leftmost first any all successive non-overlapping",
	"Leftmost longest entire all successive non-overlapping",
	"Leftmost longest any all successive non-overlapping",

// A match object containing all information.
// Written to simplify output of matches
type regexpMatch struct {
	original, sub string   // original and matched substring
	from, to      int      // indices of matched substring
	groups        []int    // indices of matched groups
	names         []string // group names

func underbrace(from, to int) string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer

	for i := 0; i < to; i++ {
		if i == from && to-1 <= from {
		} else if i == from {
		} else if from < i && i < to-1 {
		} else if i == to-1 {
		} else {
			buf.WriteString(" ")

	return buf.String()

func (match regexpMatch) String() string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	buf.WriteString("Match               ā‡’ ")

	if match.sub != "" {
		buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", match.original))
		buf.WriteString("                      ")
		buf.WriteString(underbrace(match.from, match.to))
		buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("  ā†¦ '%s' [%dā€“%d]\n", match.sub, match.from, match.to))
	} else {
		return buf.String()

	for i := 0; i < len(match.groups); i = i + 2 {
		if i == 0 {
			continue // skip match itself
		var from = match.groups[i]
		var to = match.groups[i+1]

		buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", 20))
		buf.WriteString("ā‡’ ")
		if len(match.names) > i && match.names[i] != "" {
			buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s - group %s\n", match.original, match.names[i]))
		} else {
			buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s - group %d\n", match.original, i/2))
		buf.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", 22))
		buf.WriteString(underbrace(from, to))

	return buf.String()

func metaInformation(input string, re *regexp.Regexp) string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	subexpr := re.NumSubexp()
	grps := "Nope"

	if subexpr != 0 {
		grps = fmt.Sprintf("Yes, %d", subexpr)

	buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Regular expression  ā‡’ %s\n", re))
	buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Input               ā‡’ %s\n", input))
	buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Groups              ā‡’ %s\n", grps))

	return buf.String()

func matchAny(input string, re *regexp.Regexp) regexpMatch {
	any_match := re.FindString(input)
	am_indices := re.FindStringIndex(input)
	if am_indices == nil {
		return regexpMatch{}

	groups := re.FindStringSubmatchIndex(input)
	names := re.SubexpNames()

	return regexpMatch{input, any_match,
		am_indices[0], am_indices[1], groups, names,

func matchAll(input string, re *regexp.Regexp) []regexpMatch {
	all_matches := re.FindAllString(input, INFINITY)
	am_indices := re.FindAllStringIndex(input, INFINITY)

	if len(all_matches) == 0 {
		return make([]regexpMatch, 0)

	names := re.SubexpNames()
	matches := make([]regexpMatch, len(all_matches))
	for i, _ := range all_matches {
		begin := am_indices[i][0]
		groups := re.FindStringSubmatchIndex(input[begin:])

		matches[i] = regexpMatch{input, all_matches[i],
			am_indices[i][0], am_indices[i][1], groups, names,

	return matches

func main() {
	regexes := make([]*regexp.Regexp, 4)
	regexes[0] = regexp.MustCompile(regex)                    // any left-most first matching
	regexes[1] = regexp.MustCompile("^(" + regex + ")$")      // entire left-most first matching
	regexes[2] = regexp.MustCompilePOSIX(regex)               // any left-most longest matching
	regexes[3] = regexp.MustCompilePOSIX("^(" + regex + ")$") // entire left-most longest matching

	for _, mode := range modes {
		var index = 0
		if strings.Contains(mode, "ongest") {
			index += 2
		if strings.Contains(mode, "ntire") {
			index += 1

		var re *regexp.Regexp = regexes[index]

		fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("=", 80))
		fmt.Printf("Mode                ā‡’ %s\n", mode)
		fmt.Println(metaInformation(input, re))

		if strings.Contains(mode, " all") {
			var match []regexpMatch = matchAll(input, re)
			for _, elem := range match {
		} else {
			var match regexpMatch = matchAny(input, re)
