
It will take me several years to create an exhaustive list here. Consider it as subset.

finished §

current §

future §

Curriculum math §

Introduction to LaTeX Discrete Mathematics VO Discrete Mathematics UE Linear Algebra 1 VO Linear Algebra 1 UE Analysis 1 VO Analysis 1 UE Computer Mathematics

term 2: Fundamentals of Mathematics Linear Algebra 2 VO Linear Algebra 2 UE Analysis 2 VO Analysis 2 UE Programming in C++

term 3: Analysis 3 VO Analysis 3 UE Measure and Integration Theory VO Measure and Integration Theory UE Data Structures and Algorithms Ordinary Differential Equations VO Ordinary Differential Equations UE Computational Mathematics 1 VO Computational Mathematics 1 UE

term 4: Introduction to Algebra VO Introduction to Algebra UE Introduction to Functional Analysis VO Introduction to Functional Analysis UE Probability Theory VO Probability Theory UE Optimization 1 VO Optimization 1 UE

term 5: Introduction to Complex Analysis VO Introduction to Complex Analysis UE Statistics VO Statistics UE Algebra VO Algebra UE Combinatorial Optimization 1 VO Combinatorial Optimization 1 UE

term 6: Seminar (Discrete Mathematics and Algorithm Theory) Bachelor Thesis (Discrete Mathematics and Algorithm Theory) Coding and Cryptography VO Coding and Cryptography UE Theoretical Computer Science 1 VO Theoretical Computer Science 1 UE