It will take me several years to create an exhaustive list here. Consider it as subset.
finished §
gdit_gdocs §
goal: Google apps scripts to support the GDI course
effort required: 2 weeks
context: teaching
urls: Deliverable; -
turingmachine.js §
goal: A turingmachine for educational purposes (HTML5-webapp)
effort required: several weeks
context: cs teaching
urls: Deliverable; -
ruledxml §
goal: Rule-based XML transformations with python3
effort required: several weeks
context: python XML XSLT
urls: Deliverable; … on PyPI.; -
unfuck.php §
goal: A set of PHP functionality. Extending stdlib, provides a stack implementation and sanitization class. Grab any code you like.
effort required: several weeks
context: php programming webdev
urls: Deliverable; -
bakk_iaik §
goal: Using SAT Solvers to detect Contradictions in Differential Characteristics
effort required: one year
context: SAT hash-algorithms academia
urls: Deliverable; -
scratch-html5-tester §
goal: Testing framework for the HTML5 Scratch Player
effort required: one semester
context: html5 canvas teaching
urls: Deliverable; -
vulnerabilities-matcher §
goal: Matches web-crawler-analysis output with NIST vulnerabilities database
effort required: several weeks
context: java it-security CVE NIST
urls: Deliverable; -
knuth-search-engine §
effort required: several days
context: library pdf cs
urls: Deliverable; -
edmonds-branching-algorithm §
effort required: several days
context: haskell cs
urls: Deliverable; -
amateurfunk-lernkarten §
goal: Lernkarten zur Amateurfunkprüfung (Dez 2014) in LaTeχ
effort required: one semester
context: radio hardware teaching
urls: Deliverable; -
runen §
goal: Referat und Präsentation über Schriften germanischer Völker
effort required: one semester
context: writing-systems teaching
urls: Deliverable; -
master_iaik §
goal: Differential cryptanalysis attacks on hash algorithms
effort required: one year
context: IT-security SAT hash-algorithms academia
urls: main website; thesis; CNF file analysis (Go); CNF file analysis (Py); CNF file analysis testsuite; CNF file hashing (Go); CNF file hashing (Py); CNF file hashing testsuite; CNF files download; -
goal: Make ‘Minna no Nihongo’ vocabulary accessible in Anki as shared deck
effort required: several months
context: japanese
urls: AnkiWeb cards; -
effort required: several days with many optimizations
context: math
urls: Deliverable; -
carpet §
goal: Sierpinski carpet fractals implementation
effort required: one week
context: math graphics
urls: Deliverable; -
jeopardy §
goal: A simple HTML5/JS jeopardy implementation
effort required: a week
context: webdev teaching
urls: Deliverable; -
anki2html §
goal: Dump Anki2 flashcards to HTML
effort required: one day
context: teaching SRS
urls: Deliverable; -
screenshot-compare §
goal: Compare two given screenshots and return similarity as percentage
effort required: one afternoon
context: graphics programming digital-tool
urls: Deliverable; -
lecture-notes §
goal: Lecture notes for classes, I took
effort required: usually one semester
context: math CS
urls: TCS2 lecture notes (WS 2013/14, Klinz); math lecture notes; -
taptaptap §
goal: Test Anything Protocol handling
effort required: one week
context: python testing TAP
urls: python 2.7 implementation; … on PyPI.; python 3 implementation; … on PyPI.; -
PassUp §
goal: Bachelor thesis of 1uckyPh4nt0m, I advised
context: it-security
urls: implementation; -
bibparser §
goal: one day
effort required: a parser for .bib files
context: python XML XSLT
urls: Deliverable; … on; -
rusty-saber §
goal: Bachelor thesis by lkiem, I advised. Pure rust implementation of the PQC scheme Saber
effort required: 2 years
urls: implementation; … on; -
classic-mceliece-rust §
goal: Bachelor thesis by Colfenor, I advise. Pure rust implementation of the PQC scheme Classic McEliece
effort required: 1 year
urls: implementation; … on; website of the scheme; -
commonvoice §
goal: contribute 300 recordings and reviews per language, I speak
effort required: 4 months
context: open source crowdsourcing linguistics
urls: Mozilla CommonVoice homepage; -
goal: Sew your own rust ferris (gf completed this one)
effort required: 3 hours to get fleece, 1 day to sew and finish
context: graphics DIY programming
urls: E. Dunham's template;
current §
papers §
goal: List of papers, I have read together with my review notes
context: academia cs pqc typesetting
urls: Paper list with reviews; -
dupfiles §
goal: Compute a hash tree for a filesystem to detect duplicate nodes
context: programming digital-tool
urls: go Deliverable; -
datamaps §
goal: Enter statistical, geo-based data and visualize them
context: opendata cartography statistics webdev
urls: Deliverable; -
MyHP §
goal: Well… this website.
context: webdev blogging
urls: website; -
turingmachine.tex §
goal: Write a turingmachine in TeX, so that I learn plain TeX better
context: typesetting macrolanguage
urls: Deliverable; -
info §
goal: My personal collection of cheatsheets
context: life programming languages
urls: Homepage; -
recipes §
goal: My personal collection of recipes
context: cooking
urls: Homepage; -
typho §
goal: A long term effort to improve tools for digital typesetting
context: typesetting
urls: Homepage;
future §
goal: Create an irasutoya Signal sticker pack
effort required: 1 day
context: graphics
urls: Signal doc;; -
goal: Complete gf's drawings and create a Signal sticker pack
effort required: 1 month to study drawing style, 1 month to draw, 1 day to create sticker pack
context: graphics
Curriculum math §
Introduction to LaTeX Discrete Mathematics VO Discrete Mathematics UE Linear Algebra 1 VO Linear Algebra 1 UE Analysis 1 VO Analysis 1 UE Computer Mathematics
term 2: Fundamentals of Mathematics Linear Algebra 2 VO Linear Algebra 2 UE Analysis 2 VO Analysis 2 UE Programming in C++
term 3: Analysis 3 VO Analysis 3 UE Measure and Integration Theory VO Measure and Integration Theory UE Data Structures and Algorithms Ordinary Differential Equations VO Ordinary Differential Equations UE Computational Mathematics 1 VO Computational Mathematics 1 UE
term 4: Introduction to Algebra VO Introduction to Algebra UE Introduction to Functional Analysis VO Introduction to Functional Analysis UE Probability Theory VO Probability Theory UE Optimization 1 VO Optimization 1 UE
term 5: Introduction to Complex Analysis VO Introduction to Complex Analysis UE Statistics VO Statistics UE Algebra VO Algebra UE Combinatorial Optimization 1 VO Combinatorial Optimization 1 UE
term 6: Seminar (Discrete Mathematics and Algorithm Theory) Bachelor Thesis (Discrete Mathematics and Algorithm Theory) Coding and Cryptography VO Coding and Cryptography UE Theoretical Computer Science 1 VO Theoretical Computer Science 1 UE