I step back as organizer of PyGraz

Written on 2020-06-28 in 263 words ✍️.
Part of cs software-development community

PyGraz is a user group of the python programming language in Graz. We meet once a month. I joined in 2011 and frequently gave talks. Why?

  • Python is a very neat programming language. It is comparatively well-designed in terms of syntax and stdlib functionality.

  • Meeting locally makes it easy for new people to get started. You only need to show up (voluntarily and w/o registration). Then they can get feedback on the topics, they are interested in.

  • Giving talks makes you think systematically about topics. Since questions are usually asked during the meetup, you need to defend your statements against provided arguments. This advances your knowledge.

  • Organizers define the next month’s topic. Recently, there used to be 3 organizers. Speakers are invited to present their topics.

  • Over the years it got easier to find new speakers as more and more people are interested in Python.

As of today, I am stepping back as organizer.

  1. I don’t program python that often anymore

  2. I am focusing on organizing RustGraz for the remaining year.

  3. As a self-employed person (as I used to be), representation, networking with other programmers, and “latest news” is important. As an academic, networking with other academics and deep knowledge is important.

As such, I can observe a shift in interests and this step aligns with it. I am still available as speaker on occasion.